
福記食品(1175) - 中招



本廢柴一向對炒業績十分小心,如尾市走勢轉差會即時沽出,昨日走勢亦不錯,高收5%。怎料昨夜遲遲不見公佈業績,今朝果然停牌,最遲於8月25日公佈業績。根據以往經驗,如502,多數是長期停牌居多,相信今次亦不例外,以做出全數write off的準備。下一步應該是陳葉馮跳車。



15 則留言:

匿名 說...

你是否過分擔心, 因capital group 2個月內增持由無到有7%, 它是老牌基金,不像你傻傻地買入, 生意的確有需求, 中小型上市有那間不是益自己友, 它問題應是管理問題,

老占 說...

不要怕, 應該不會吧!
不過1175 盤數本數都幾高危, 師兄買得估計都小注者

大廢柴 說...


匿名 說...

ha 好多基金都係臨爆煲先兇多吉少
冇乜邊隻遲出results 冇事
502 3月俾人清盤, 而家等緊判

匿名 說...

爆煲要由理由,主要有2個, 大股東走老, 生意是假.
1)3個月前大股東套現1億給了 capital group, 照理是capital group有研究才入,
大股東根本不會無錢, capital group是老牌基金, 照計不是吹水, 大股東批給CGC是想引入名, 好FINANCING, 即不是爆煲理由

2)生意是假. 無可能.
我估是MANAGEMENT很差, 公司系統不完善,請了大部分無用的人, 希望引入外資MANAGEMNT做好公司,

最怕復牌去到10元, 無得你買.

1076,502生意是無長發的. 你用來比較,

匿名 說...

大和6月尾仲出initiate 報告話solid, CLSA 6月尾仲叫人買, 睇怕佢地而家都腳震震, 老牌基金跟大行一齊被坑唔出奇, 1076 清盤前都有老牌基金高價接貨
印象中 502, 928, 572 都係出唔到results, 跟住俾人清盤, 冇乜邊隻走雞.

匿名 說...


融資問題是重點, 請了一堆費人又是問題

印象中 502, 928, 572 都係出唔到results, 是自己做數.

capital group 是2個月內增持由無到有7%


匿名 說...

Announcement last night.. selling things to raise cash

大廢柴 說...


匿名 說...


我認為不會爆, business is good.

but management need to be change,

其實,他們管理好有問題, cash flow management should be improve 啦

匿名 說...

finally further delay...

匿名 說...

廢柴,you were right unfortunately.

匿名 說...

I dun see any hints about it is a criminal case.. I keep a bit optimistic about the company..(though it has a much higer chance of blow up after the further delay announcemnet)

From the announcement, the report is not able to issue due to consolidation part of financial report. Maybe there are no issues on individual companies. If yes, then I would say the business and actvities of the company is quite real.

I dun understand why the company needs to obtain a number of valuation reports for the financial reporting...

what will be the valuation report used for?
To verify the value of fixed asset?
is it fake?...if yes, then... no hopes..

But maybe it will be used to source finance...either secured loan / doing placing... ( I think...)

The proceed from Gold Hans is not enough to settle the obligation.. the bond matured this year, Oct next year (1.5 billion)+ 1 billion committment on construction of fixed asset (even is not contracted)...

I think the company needs to sell further or secured a long term loan / placing for addition capital to run the business to fufil the going concern ....

the disclosure from suspension , I think, completely not enough...if there would be a criminal case...

大廢柴 說...


匿名 說...

The announcement is funny. Hopefully there is no financial or accounting issues..

Internal matters... fighting?

a bit optimistic makes life better...at least not total write off